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 Scheme development

Planning is crucial

A scheme of work is a plan that defines work to be done in the classroom. Involving learners in defining a scheme of work, whether for a short project or a long course is an important step towards motivation and involvement. When planning your schemes it is crucial to have your 'tool kit' at hand. This is all the relevant documents and information you will need to meet the curricular specifications of the proposed course. Click on the links  to access Visual Art schemes. 

Visual Arts: Art, Craft and Design Schemes




What Do You See When You Look At Me?Combining Traditional Animation and expressive self-Portraiture to Explore Emotion
Famouse Artist Photgraphy, Tonal Drawing, Monochromatic Painitng
Monsters of the Celtic Underground: Exploring local myth and legend to create a three-string marionette suitable for multiple performances

High Renaissance

Exploring the High Renaissance: The Three Giants
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4 Cell Comic

More schemes pending!

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