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Graphic Design: Comic:

"My Cultural Identity": Turn your life into a comic strip!

Comic Book creation to express cultural Identity 

Through its creative processes and reflective practices, this scheme both offers the visual art experience through the use of the art elements: colour, line, space  and design principle: emphasis, balance. The scheme of work nurtures students cultural self-awareness. It links the Junior Cycle Visual Art to the Wellbeing for Junior through the Key Skill 'Staying Well'.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore cultural identity through comic book creation using new graphic design skills: colour awareness, negative space, line quality and applying new knowledge.

  • Critique Cultural Identity using Documentary as starting point and reflect on the the question " How am I Putin a box?

  • List three personal experiences  and use bullet points to sequence story (option: research three story's linked to your culture)

  • Develop digital media literacy through engagement with a variety of processes such as camera work, photo-editing software applications 

  • Appreciative A Brief history of graphic design with emphasis on Comic book art  through PowerPoint presentation and real life examples : Stan Lee: Fantasy and the creator-writer of Marvel Comics’ heroes and villains,  Auto Biographical Comics: Art Spiegelman; Maus; stories in the first person recording his fathers live experiences in concentration camps. 

  • Evaluate and reflect on artwork through classroom presentation, peer critique, assessments charts, sketchbooks, and through the questioning of relevant artists 

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