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Artist Teacher Practice

Senior Cycle Visual Art Education

Senior Cycle Visual Art

Learners in senior cycle are approaching the end of their time in school and are focusing on the directions they would like to take in their future lives. Senior cycle plays a vital role in helping learners to address their current needs as young adults and in preparing them for life in a changing economic and social context.
Senior cycle is founded on a commitment to educational achievement of the highest standard for all learners, commensurate with their individual abilities. To support learners as they shape their own future there is an emphasis on the development of knowledge and deep understanding; on learners taking responsibility for their own learning; on the acquisition of key skills; and on the processes of learning. The broad curriculum, with some opportunities for specialisation, supports continuity from junior cycle and sets out to meet the needs of learners, some of whom have special educational needs, but who all share a wide range of learning interests, aptitudes and talents.

Curricular components at senior cycle promote a balance between knowledge and skills, and the kinds of learning strategies relevant to participation in, and contribution to, a changing world where the future is uncertain.

Assessment in senior cycle involves gathering, interpreting and using information about the processes and outcomes of learning. It takes different forms and is used for a variety of purposes. It is used to determine the appropriate route for learners through a differentiated curriculum, to identify specific areas of difficulty or strength for a given learner and to test and certify achievement. Assessment supports and improves learning by helping learners and teachers to identify next steps in the teaching and learning process.

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The Visual Ary at Senior Cycle specification is built around the artistic process and how it supports learning. Art is both creative and expressive and it provides an opportunity for the development of the skills necessary for creative engagement with the world.
The specification sets out clear expectations for students, across three inter-related and inter-dependent strands: Research, Create and Respond. To access the online specification, guidelines, the current Leaving Certificate Art syllabus, which will end in 2021, circulars and other notices, click on the graphic.

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The PDST Art team provide high-quality professional development and support that empowers teachers and schools to deliver the best possible education for all students. This site is designed to give you information about a range of supports and professional development services provided by the PDST.

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